
Sunday, August 25, 2013

P90 Day 56

Went to the water park today but otherwise took it easy (Sunday if off-day)

Consumed:  1694
Burned:   123
Net: 1571

Saturday, August 24, 2013

P90 Day 55

Double workout in order to make up for a day I missed.

Consumed: 1990
Burned:  948 !
Net: 1042

Missing Days

So I slipped.  I missed the last 2 days of workouts.  I'm going to do double today and workout on tomorrow (Sunday, off day) to catch up.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

P90 DAY 51

First day of the phase 3-4 cardio/abs.  TO THE PAIN!

Consumed:  1954
Burned:  535
Net:  1419

Monday, August 19, 2013

P90 DAY 50

Wow.  It's been a week since I posted.  I'm still on P90 though.  Watching calories (but haven't been counting much).  I think I've gone over my calorie goal a few days but that might be a good thing. I've been greatly under for weeks and have had a few people tell me that I'm taking in too few calories.  Weight has plateaued but I still feel great.

Today was the first day of the new 3-4 routines and GAH, it was rough.  Inclined push-ups and exercises that ask you to push to your max for 30 secs.  Pain.

Still, moving forward and growing.  I'll do a weigh-in this weekend.

Consumed:  1666
Burned: 462
Net:  1204

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

P90 DAY 44

I LOVE this quote...

Consumed:  1731
Burned: 300
Net:  1431

Monday, August 12, 2013

P90 DAY 40-43

Well I didn't post any in the last 4 days, but I DID work out each day. I didn't track calories. I had a nice dinner Friday night but didn't overeat. Then I had whole foods over the weekend, like thick sliced smoked ham, sliced cheddar, grapes, bananas, and cherries. And lots of water. Felt very cave-man like. :-)

Back to tracking today though (Day 44). I'll post that late tonight. Still going Strong!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

P90 DAY 38

What do I fear?
I fear stagnation and lack of progress.
I fear never reaching my potential and being average.
I fear being forgotten... the past... yesterday's news.
I fear giving up and being passed by, going softly into that good night.
I fear letting those I love down, letting myself down.
I fear settling, giving in to the "That's just the way it is" mindset.
I fear dying without ever leaving my mark.
I fear not feeling these fears anymore and just floating along.

These fears feed me, they nourish my drive.

I love my fear.

Consumed:  1940
Burned:  343
Net:  1597

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

P90 DAY 34 +35

At any given moment, you have the POWER to say, "This is NOT how the story is going to END"
Didn't track this weekend,  but was overall good and did my workout. :-) 

Friday, August 2, 2013

P90 DAY 33

Someone once asked me, "Why do you always insist on taking the hard road?" and I replied "Why do you assume I see two roads?"

Consumed:  1880
Burned:  249
Net:  1631

Thursday, August 1, 2013

P90 DAY 32

Cardio / abs + 1.5 mile walk

Consumed: 1888
Burned: 459
Net:  1429