
Monday, August 19, 2013

P90 DAY 50

Wow.  It's been a week since I posted.  I'm still on P90 though.  Watching calories (but haven't been counting much).  I think I've gone over my calorie goal a few days but that might be a good thing. I've been greatly under for weeks and have had a few people tell me that I'm taking in too few calories.  Weight has plateaued but I still feel great.

Today was the first day of the new 3-4 routines and GAH, it was rough.  Inclined push-ups and exercises that ask you to push to your max for 30 secs.  Pain.

Still, moving forward and growing.  I'll do a weigh-in this weekend.

Consumed:  1666
Burned: 462
Net:  1204

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